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Summer to Autumn Skincare Transition

Summer to Autumn Skincare Transition
Grace Walker
Writer and expert27 days ago
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It’s starting to feel fresh outside, the nights are drawing in and the Halloween and Christmas decorations are out in the shops which can mean only one thing….. Autumn is here! We know what you’re thinking…. Where did Summer go? Did we even have a Summer this year? It’s in the past now Glossies, cosy season is finally here, so let’s enjoy it!

Switching up your skincare routine is essential; even more so now that we are entering the cooler months of the year. As the weather starts to change, it’s also the perfect time to start transitioning from your summer skincare routine to a more Autumn/Winter skincare routine.

As much as we love the cosy months, let’s not neglect our skin! In Autumn/Winter, our skin tends to lose moisture and oil due to a number of factors such as lack of humidity in the air, central heating and harsh weather. These conditions cause dryness and dehydration which in turn, means the skin can become dry, itchy, tight or sensitive.

So, if you’re wondering how you can switch up your routine in time for Autumn, look no further; we’ve put together some top tips to help you so you can still have hydrated glowy skin even in the colder months!

1. Choose a gentle cleanser The humidity levels start to drop as soon as we enter Autumn, which can leave your skin feeling drier than usual. If you notice your skin is lacking moisture, try and use a gentle cleanser; one that won’t strip the skin of its natural oil, this should prevent it feeling tight and sore. It will still get rid of dirt and impurities, but it won’t dry out your skin. Perhaps choose a creamy cleanser or one that’s formulated with nourishing ingredients.

2. Don’t forget to exfoliate You may think exfoliating in colder months will be too harsh, but all you need to do is exfoliate less; maybe once or twice a week instead and choose an exfoliator that won’t damage your skin. This will help to get rid of dead skin cells and deep cleanse your pores, in turn helping to keep your skin bright, radiant and healthy-looking.

3. Keep up with the SPF Sunscreen should be a staple part of your routine no matter the weather or time of year. For a good level of defence, you need a minimum of SP30 as this will block out 97% of UV rays, but you also need to ensure the formula you choose is ‘broad spectrum’ so you have protection from both UVA & UVB. Even on cloudy or rainy days, applying sunscreen is crucial to defend your skin against the damaging effects of the sun.

4. Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise You need to keep your skin smooth and supple, even during autumn/winter, and moisturisers are the perfect solutions. Cold air pulls moisture away from the skin, which can cause itchiness, dry and even flaky skin. Some moisturisers contain emollients and occlusives; so we will explain what they means so you can choose the right moisturiser! Emollients help soothe, soften, and increase moisture levels, improve skin barrier function. Occlusives are waxes and oils that form a layer on the skin. This way, they physically block water from escaping. If you need a quick fix of moisture & hydration, a face mask is a great way to hydrate your skin quickly!!

5. Add Vitamin C Vitamin C should be in your skincare routine all year round, so whatever you do, don’t leave it with your Summer skincare products; bring the Vitamin C into Autumn/Winter with you! This ingredient is just the best and it will help to maintain your summer glow, even during the colder months. Vitamin C will brighten and boost your skin and stimulate collagen production so skin can retain moisture better; which ultimately will help to protect it against those pesky external aggressors!

Okay Glossies, we’ve told you how to update your routine ready for autumn/winter, so it’s now time for us to help you out even more by giving you some of our favourite products to shop; they will be a great addition to your new skincare routine!


Grace Walker
Writer and expert
View Grace Walker's profile
As someone who is skincare obsessed, it’s no secret that I have a huge passion for glowing skin! Over the years I have written many blog posts which specialise in skincare, so I have plenty of top tips to share to help you on your own skincare journey. I am always trying out new products and finding new discoveries that I can add to my collection. My go-to skincare product right now is definitely a hydrating face mask; they’re perfect for that instant hydration boost before you continue with your beauty routine!