Harnessing the Power of Essential Oils for a Fresh Start this January

It’s January, it’s a new year and 2024 is all about wellbeing! Do you need to make more time for you? Or perhaps you’re in need for some serious relaxation time? Essential oils have become really popular and ever since the buzz around them started, more and more brands have started bringing out products based around essential oils! You’re probably wondering how essential oils can help with our health & wellbeing…. don’t worry Glossies, we will explain everything!
Let’s start by discussing what essential oils actually are! They are compounds extracted from plants; the oils capture the plants scents and flavours which is why they smell so amazing and are perfect for aromatherapy, which they have a very close connection with. Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment which uses natural plant extracts to promote better health & wellbeing and it uses essential oils to improve your body, mind and spirit by enhancing both your physical & emotional health. The powerful smell of aromatherapy oils can support relaxation and stress relief, which will aid mood and wellbeing, and can support the immune system and circulatory health.
Our senses are a powerful tool and can often trigger emotions and feelings within our bodies, something that essential oils can also benefit. There are so many ways you can use essential oils – they can either be applied to the skin, inhaled, heated or dabbed onto the skin. Our skin is the body’s largest organ and anything we apply to our skin is absorbed into our bloodstream, so this is a great way to use the essential oils as this will help you relax; looking after your general wellbeing. So it’s time now talk about the benefits and then we can shop some essential oil ‘must haves!’
There are several benefits to using essential oils; they have been used for many years and they hold a prominent place in traditional medicine around the world. They have been known to promotehealthy sleep, relieve headaches, common cold and alleviate pains. Each essential oil has its own benefit so it’s important to find the right on for you; for example, Lavender is one of the mostpopular essential oils purely because it has so many calming properties and it can help calm the mind & body almost instantly. However for some of you, it may not work – so make sure you look into them and choose the oils you think will suit you best!
So whether you’re completely new to the world of essential oils or whether you’re just looking for new ideas to try, we hope this post has helped you along the way to gather some new information; after all, this is the year we are focusing on our wellbeing!
Check out the products below; we’ve chosen some firm favourites!

As someone who is skincare obsessed, it’s no secret that I have a huge passion for glowing skin! Over the years I have written many blog posts which specialise in skincare, so I have plenty of top tips to share to help you on your own skincare journey. I am always trying out new products and finding new discoveries that I can add to my collection. My go-to skincare product right now is definitely a hydrating face mask; they’re perfect for that instant hydration boost before you continue with your beauty routine!