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Happy International Women’s Day GLOSSIES!

To celebrate International Women’s Day, our GLOSSYBOX Senior Leadership Team are here to share their advice to younger GLOSSIES and give an insight into who inspires them! Our powerful female-led team here at GLOSSYBOX HQ show the strength and ability us women have, fueled by determination, drive, passion and belief!  

Keep reading on to hear from our wonderful women who put the magic into GLOSSY! 


Denise – Global Brand Director 

What is your message to your younger self?   

Take more time for yourself, do more yoga. 

What inspirational women inspires you? 

All female founders who started a successful beauty or lifestyle business inspire me, especially the mums who juggle business and family at the same time. 

Becks – Head of Operations 

What is your message to your younger self?   

No matter how hard the journey may be, you are strong enough to overcome whatever is thrown your way. Believe in yourself and keep moving forward. 

What inspirational women inspires you? 

Cheesy as it sounds, but my Mum. She is just an amazing human! She has been through so much and I always tell myself if I have just a fraction of her strength within myself, I can achieve anything I set my mind to.  

Naomi – Head of Finance  

What is your message to your younger self?   

Don't doubt yourself, always stand up for yourself and don't let anyone tell you that you can't, because you CAN! 

What inspirational women inspires you? 

Katherine Johnson - A mathematician (along with 2 others) who broke through racial and gender discrimination in an all-male flight research team in NASA. Truly inspirational and shows how far the world has come in the last century. If you haven't watched the film 'Hidden Figures' please watch it! 

Stephanie Fisher – Head of Commercial Marketing  

What is your message to your younger self?   

I'd have told myself to enjoy life more! In my early career, I suffered with a lot of “imposter” syndrome & feared not being good enough. I wish I'd had more confidence with my ideas & to have more of a voice professionally when I was starting out now. 

What inspirational women inspires you? 

So many women inspire me! But I’d have to say I take a huge amount of guidance from my Mum who instilled an importance around financial independence as a woman & ensuring you never settle for something a man wouldn’t in business. It's really inspiring also to be a part of such a powerful female team at GLOSSY! 

 Katja  - Head of Nordics  

What is your message to your younger self? 

Reflect, pause, enjoy and don't stress! 

What inspirational women inspires you? 

Malala Yousafzai - Never give up -she never stops advocating for a better world for women and women rights! 

Coco Chanel - Believe in yourself! Her difficult upbringing didn’t stop her determination and drive. Her journey is very inspirational. 

My mum - Be true to yourself!My mum is a lion when she needs to be and has so much love for nature and animals. She stands up for what is right. 

Prescillia – Head of Global Sourcing  

What is your message to your younger self?   

Step by step you will get there, learn from your job experiences as well as from others. We all have an amazing potential, you can only excel in your job when you find what you really like to do! 

What inspirational women inspires you? 

I love reading books, particularly about woman who marked history. The two individuals who stick in my mind are Indira Ghandi (first women elected to lead India) and Simone Veil (French minister who supported various actions to support women rights).  

Happy International Women’s Day GLOSSIES! Today is for celebrating how far you’ve come and reflecting upon all the great things you have achieved! 

Remember, anything is possible.  
Charlotte Berry
Charlotte Berry Writer and expert

My beauty routine all depends on my schedule. During the week, I opt for a radiant bronzed aesthetic, complemented by naturally fluffy brows and a subtle, glossy lip. When the weekend arrives, in true Glossy style, I love a more glamourous vibe with long lashes and dark defined lips. A bronzer and long-lasting lip liner are never far from reach...

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