Best Skincare Routine For Your Zodiac Sign

We already know that our zodiac sign can deeply affect our personality and it can also play an important role in the choices we make day-to-day. It's not necessarily how much you read about the signs but how much you believe in it that can be the real difference.
Have you ever thought about choosing your skincare routine based on your zodiac sign? Well, we hadn’t either but it’s really interesting! We’ve put together some astrological hints and tips to help you create the perfect skincare routine.
1 // Aries Like most air signs, Aries are known for their impatience and on-the-go ambitious attitude, so their skincare routine needs to be quick, efficient so they may be more into 2 in 1 products to help save time; they perhaps need to find products that suit their ultra-efficient lifestyle. If you’re an Aries, you may want to consider products that work whilst you sleep!
2 // Taurus Okay so if you’re a Taurus, you will know that they are hardworking and persistent, so they are more likely to find a good skincare routine and wait for the results, rather than changing products every week. They like to analyse trends so rather than diving straight into the latest skincare trends, they are likely to sit back and wait to see if it’s worth investing in or not.
3 // Gemini Geminis tend to be on the more sensitive side when it comes to their skin and they are known to be fickle, so like Aries, a simple routine is better rather than a 7-step beauty routine. Geminis are fun and adaptable so you may like to switch up your skincare routine from time to time and you never stop looking for new products to try! Ceramides and Vitamin C are perfect as they are no-fuss ingredients and many skincare products include these ingredients in them so they are great for a Geminis skincare routine!
4 // Cancer We all know that Cancerians are very emotional and can sometimes be very moody! Therefore, after a tiring, stressful day, there’s nothing better than coming home and having a nice long pamper session to uplift their mood! Products such as face masks, exfoliants and dry scrubs are great and they will benefit from antioxidants, shea butter and aloe vera because they detox your skin for that ultimate TLC indulgence!
5 // Leo As one of the most enthusiastic signs, there’s no doubt that when it comes to skincare, Leo’s will want to try something new! They will be the first to try quirky skincare trends and products such as bubble masks, LED face kits and even the Korean skincare hype! You believe that putting time and effort into your own routine will help you look your best everyday.
6 // Virgo Virgos want the best skincare products available as they are complete perfectionists so choosing something more soothing is ideal to help you unwind! You can consider products containing chamomile or rose as they will soothe feelings of being overwhelmed. You need to make sure you wear plenty of SPF so you protect your skin from free radicals as Virgos can be sensitive to the sun (yes, you read that right!)
7 // Libra If you’re a Libra, you can be a very flirtatious and romantic person but also you are all about balance so perhaps this is reflected in your skincare routine as well. By this we mean totally flawless! You might invest in good quality skincare and pampering yourself more often; such as exfoliation, face masks and regular facials to help nourish your skin! One thing is for sure, Librans will experiment with everything just to make sure they find that perfect, holy grail skincare product.
8 // Scorpio They are known to be hard-working, determined individuals so they will always hunt for high-quality products to give them that perfect hydrated glow. Glossies, we all need that little bit of determination when it comes to skincare and finding the perfect product can become a little bit obsessive. Scorpions can be indulgent when it comes to skincare and they certainly know how to treat themselves right!
9 // Sagittarius They are known for their no-fuss personality so like some of the other signs, they will enjoy a simple routine with a basic face wash, toner and moisturiser (hassle free!) If you’re a Sagittarius, you will know that you’re adventurous and always on the move, so the simpler the routine is, the better because you can then change this up whenever you feel ready!
10 // Capricorn Capricorns are realists. They know they don’t have to spend a fortune on products to get good results. Simple, straight forward, uncomplicated products are ideal if you’re a Capricorn. You will find that you’ll prefer simple, hardworking products that pay off in the long run.
11 // Aquarius Aquarians are forward thinkers with a curious mind; they’re not afraid of trying new things so basically, they are the ultimate trend setters. They can be very high maintenance (at times) and they love to pamper their skin with a range of products in a very elaborate way!
12 // Pisces Pisces are imaginative, peaceful and intuitive which can lead to them overthinking or overcomplicating certain decisions and situations – particularly when it comes to choosing skincare! They are known for being idealistic so they will use every trick or hack to get that perfect glow we all dream of and they are more open to trying a variety of products to achieve this glow.
There you go Glossies, the perfect skincare advice for your zodiac sign. Although the signs might say a lot about your skin, it’s important to try new products as well!

My beauty routine all depends on my schedule. During the week, I opt for a radiant bronzed aesthetic, complemented by naturally fluffy brows and a subtle, glossy lip. When the weekend arrives, in true Glossy style, I love a more glamourous vibe with long lashes and dark defined lips. A bronzer and long-lasting lip liner are never far from reach...