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Top Skincare Products For Your Zodiac Sign Element: Fire, Earth, Air & Water

When we choose our skincare routine, we usually take into account our skin type and the skin concern we want to treat. But have you ever considered letting astrology decide what skincare products are right for you?

No matter what year you were born there are certain scenarios and formulas that zodiac signs will gravitate towards, more so than the other signs. Typically, our horoscopes give us advice on life issues such as relationship struggles; however, times have changed Glossies! Your horoscope characteristics and traits can lead you to your beauty habits and choices as well – that’s quite spectacular! Here are some of the top skincare products for your zodiac sign element (thank us later Glossies!)

Fire (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius)

Fire is an impulsive, athletic, fiery and transformative element; full of charisma and has the ability to change an atmosphere. With that in mind, they would use an aggressive exfoliant, not too aggressive though – so a chemical peel is more appealing to them. Fire signs are usually up for anything, so it makes sense for them to have a skincare routine filled with adventurous products. It’s important to remember that fire signs are constantly on the go, so they need a product that is quick and easy to use as well as it being just as active as them.

Water (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces)

This element is all about the glow, especially the Cancer sign, so anything that will help improve the way your skin glows, will be perfect for Water! Some of the most creative zodiac signs are those of the water element and they are highly imaginative, so they will be more likely to explore with their skincare choices as well as being open to trying new trends! As they are creative, they are the most likely to go for the products with the more intricate packaging – so it’s not just about quality if your zodiac sign is Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

Earth (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn)

Earth signs want to see good results from skincare products – it’s that simple. They care about building a relationship with brands but of course, they are also open to making new relationships with brands if they are impressed with the results. All three of these signs are big on eco-friendly products and formulas; they like to know the product is organic, cruelty free and clean.

Air (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius)

If you’re an air sign, you’re likely to be open minded and adventurous; they are considered intellectual and curious. If they follow a skincare routine, they are likely to somehow make it their own which is their adventurous side showing. They are happy to experiment, which often makes them trendsetters rather than followers so they will want to try the latest products on the market before anyone else. So, if your sign is air, you will take your time to find products that you really love and you may favour skincare products that aren’t fussy (because who has time for fussy, right?)



Charlotte Berry
Charlotte Berry Writer and expert

My beauty routine all depends on my schedule. During the week, I opt for a radiant bronzed aesthetic, complemented by naturally fluffy brows and a subtle, glossy lip. When the weekend arrives, in true Glossy style, I love a more glamourous vibe with long lashes and dark defined lips. A bronzer and long-lasting lip liner are never far from reach...

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