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How To Detox Your Skin (+ Our 7 Fave Products To Help You Do So!)

If Christmas and a long, cold January have left your skin feeling a little worse for wear, panic not. Because we've found some answers!

Getting back into your normal routine as soon as you can in the new year is ideal. Because we all want our skin can start to heal so that we can glow throughout 2022! Your normal routine can be as simple as changing the environment around you and picking up healthy habits.

Your skin is already having to fight against the poor diet and lack of sleep you likely had in December, so let’s not over-complicate our skincare routine in the new year; keep it basic...

Top Tips For Detoxing Your Skin

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Get your beauty sleep
  • Look after your skin
  • Use hydrating & moisturising skincare products

No matter your skin's current state, we have some skincare products to help rescue your complexion. When skin is exposed to high levels of glucose (particularly during the festive period), collagen and elastin proteins in the skin become impaired, which leads to the skin losing elasticity, feeling dehydrated and having a more uneven skin surface.

This is the time of year when you need to avoid any skin products that make your face feel tight and dry; try and opt for a product full of hydration and moisture! To rebalance your skin after the festive indulgence, try and look for hydrating products that contain hyaluronic acid. These will restore hydration and help to repair the skin’s barrier. As well as hyaluronic acid, it may also be worth looking out for products that include ingredients such as vitamin C, ceramides and squalane.

Skin Detoxing Must-Buys For 2022

These are our favourite products to help detox your skin this January...
Grace Walker
Grace Walker Writer and expert

As someone who is skincare obsessed, it’s no secret that I have a huge passion for glowing skin! Over the years I have written many blog posts which specialise in skincare, so I have plenty of top tips to share to help you on your own skincare journey. I am always trying out new products and finding new discoveries that I can add to my collection. My go-to skincare product right now is definitely a hydrating face mask; they’re perfect for that instant hydration boost before you continue with your beauty routine!

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