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What Are Essential Oils And How Do They Work?

Do you need to make more time for yourself? Or perhaps you’re in need of some relaxation? Essential oils are extremely popular, with everyone seeming to be going crazy for them right now! And, ever since the buzz around essential oils began, more and more brands have started bringing out their own - this is great, it means there are so many more to choose from... But, the real question is, do essential oils really work?So, let’s start with the basics and find out what they actually are…

What Are Essential Oils?

Put simply, essential oils are compounds extracted from plants. These oils capture the plant’s scent and flavours - which is why they smell so amazing and are perfect for aromatherapy! But why are they called ‘essential’? Well, the word ‘essential’ actually refers to the fact that the oil contains the ‘essence’ of the plant. And, it's the process of distillation that turns the ‘essence’ into a liquefied form.

How Do Essential Oils Work?

The most fun aspect of essential oils is how many different ways that you can use them! You may already have a favourite, but we’ve got a few more ideas you can take away and experiment with too…As we’re sure you know, essential oils have a tight connection with aromatherapy - a holistic healing treatment which uses natural plant extracts to promote better health and well-being. Enhancing both your physical and emotional health, aromatherapy uses essential oils to improve your body, mind and spirit. (It’s always important to remember not to confuse essential oils with perfumes though, as the latter usually include pure chemical components which essential oils do not).When practicing aromatherapy, the oils can be applied to the skin, smelt, heated or dabbed onto a pillow or tissue, so that the aroma is dispersed into the air. Our skin is the body’s largest organ and anything we apply to our skin is absorbed into our bloodstream; so therefore applying oils (usually diluted with a carrier oil) directly to the skin is one way to reap the most benefits.There are plenty more common ways to use essential oils though. Breathing them in, either directly or by using a diffuser is often a popular method, as well as mixing oils into your body lotion or even bath - and both of these are really helpful when it comes to relieving any tension or stress.

What Are The Benefits Of Essential Oils?

Essential oils have been used for many years and hold a prominent place in traditional medicine around the world - all because they come with several benefits. Multiple clinical trials have looked into whether they can help improve issues such anxiety, depression, nausea and insomnia. These oils have also been known to promote healthy sleep, relieve headaches, ease common cold symptoms and alleviate pain.Each essential oil however has its very own unique benefits, so depending on what you’re looking to get from your oils, it’s important to choose the right one for you.For example:
  • Tea Tree Oil - Known for treating athlete’s foot and other fungal infections.
  • Lavender - One of the most popular essential oils due to its calming properties which help unwind both the mind and body almost instantly.
  • Valerian - Another amazing essential oil that can be used for the relief of mild symptoms relating to stress and anxiety, as well as helping you sleep better. Did you know, many herbal teas contain valerian, due to the number of calming properties it possesses.
So, whether you’re completely new to the world of essential oils, or are just looking for new ideas to try, there’s plenty to gain from using essential oils.However, of course, like anything, make sure you do your research before purchasing any essential oils, as you’ll want to make sure that you’re getting the right ones for you. It’s also imperative you’re using them correctly. For example, oils that are perfectly fine for your skin may not necessarily be safe to inhale – so always read the instructions before using them too!

Our Favourite Essential Oils To Shop This Month!

Grace Walker
Grace Walker Writer and expert

As someone who is skincare obsessed, it’s no secret that I have a huge passion for glowing skin! Over the years I have written many blog posts which specialise in skincare, so I have plenty of top tips to share to help you on your own skincare journey. I am always trying out new products and finding new discoveries that I can add to my collection. My go-to skincare product right now is definitely a hydrating face mask; they’re perfect for that instant hydration boost before you continue with your beauty routine!

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