We all know the benefits of running when it comes to improving our physical and mental health.
But did you know running can benefit your complexion too?
Well, it can, and in a big way.How
Running Affects Your Skin
When we exercise
- running, swimming, weights, whatever - we boost the blood circulation to our skin.
This circulation boost increases oxygen and nutrient delivery, which is what gives us an immediate post-exercise glow.Enhanced blood flow can also help skin cells regenerate and remove toxins more efficiently
, whilst also decreasing
our levels of thestress hormone cortisol, which can be beneficial for chronic skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis
and acne.How Much Running Will Help My Skin?
Don’t worry if you’re not an avid runner, it doesn’t take miles and miles of jogging to boost your skin’s appearance.
Exercise, of any kind, a few times a week is enough to elevate your heart rate,
and in turn increase circulation and boost your skin.
Look After Your Skin
A Run
If you’re running outdoors, save your skin by making sure you always wear SPF. No matter the weather, UV
A and UVB rays from the sun can damage your complexion. UVB rays are stronger in the summer months and are the rays responsible for burning the top layer of skin when you’ve been in the sun too long.However, UVA rays are the same all year round - even on a cloudy day - and can
penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and cause unwanted signs of ageing. Applying SPF to your skin before you run can help protect your skin from these rays.
Other Ways
Improve Your Skin
If you’re looking for gentle yet highly effective skincare products that’ll boost your complexion, GLOSSYBOX Skincare can help! Want to read more about the GLOSSYBOX Skincare range? On our blog you’ll be able to read the story behind GLOSSYBOX Skincare
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