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The Story Behind August’s Special Design Box

This August, we’re celebrating Pride with another special design box that’s filled with 6 full-size products (worth over £58), 4 of which are makeup!

Whoever you are, we want to celebrate everyone’s individuality so we’ve curated a Pride themed box of multi-use products that are tailored to help you feel empowered, bold and unique.

Why is Pride important to us?

We’re a GLOSSY community that stands together against discrimination and completely embraces individuality. 2018 marks the 50-year anniversary since the decriminalisation of homosexuality and we are very proud to be able to deliver this very special edition.

The definitive symbol of Pride, the rainbow flag emblazoned onto this month's box has a deep meaning: red represents life, orange is for healing, yellow is for sunlight, green is for nature, blue is for harmony and purple is for spirit.

We are delighted to be supporting the LGBT Foundation this month with a big fundraising event alongside a number of awareness articles. Beauty Unboxed will also feature many articles on Pride, the characters and the music, which have characterised the LGBT community over the last 40 to 50 years.

What’s in your Pride GLOSSYBOX?

Our picks for this August are fun and fearless. We promote vibrancy, love and liberty in our international Glossy community. So Glossies, let’s let our hair down #LoveIsLove

A cruelty-free first sneak peek

Express yourself with an intense, cruelty-freeeyeshadow from a brand that encourages diversity and self-expression through makeup. Our resident makeup artist Lucinka has created an amazing tutorial to show you the different ways you can use this product - so don't worry you can be as subtle or as bold as you want to!

Get a glow with our second sneak peek

We are also treating you to a highlighter that's long-lasting, creamy and will get all of you gleaming and glowing. Lucinka has also created a step by step tutorial on how to get the perfect glow using this sneak peek product.

Secret style pampering

We are also going to be pampering in true angel style with a product from a well known brand who has a new range for 2018. It will help you to prep your skin and make it selfie ready.

You will have to wait for the reveal of the next 3 products in your Pride special design box. In the meantime...

Discover the 6 exciting things we have going on this month

1. Support Our Chosen Pride Charity

To celebrate Pride we are supporting the LGBT Foundation with a big fundraising day. The LGBT Foundation is a national charity with roots in local communities in Greater Manchester, not far from GLOSSY HQ. The LGBT Foundation exists to support the needs of the diverse range of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans. We are fundraising ourselves but if you would also like to support the cause you can donate here.

2. Win! Boohoo Pride Collection 

We've partnered with Boohoo to secure GLOSSIES an exclusive offer on the GLOSSY Lounge AND a prize draw to win items from their incredible Pride clothing collection. You can enter soon so keep an eye on our social channels!

3. Win! Tickets To The Official Pride Afterparty 

We've teamed up with our friends at GLITTERBOXto offer TWO sets of free guestlist passes for the Official Manchester Pride Afterparty in Manchester on Saturday 25th August. Visit our Facebook page to find the GLITTERBOX competition post and simply tell us the three friends you want to invite along.


4. TheGLOSSY Lounge Is Here

Last month we launched a brand-new and exclusive GLOSSY Lounge for subscribers only! It's filled with incredible deals, exclusive offers, giveaways and content from like-minded brands. Log into your account to shop the amazing offers (which include free bottles of Prosecco from our friends at Iceland) and enjoy your VIP experience.

5. Our Facebook Live!

Over 130,000 people watched the Facebook Live with Alice and I last month! Don't miss our August Facebook Live on Monday 20th August at 1pm where our beauty team and the brands in your GLOSSYBOX will be on hand to answer all your questions.

6. Download This Gorgeous Phone Wallpaper

We are also paying tribute to Pride icon Sylvester and take you through our top 10 definitive Pride anthems too.

Create a unique look with the products in our August box and embrace your style all month long…. Join us here to receive our latest beauty edit of 6 full-size fearless products to your door.

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Lydia Woodward
Lydia Woodward The Queen Of Curls

I am always searching for future trends - beauty, fashion, hair, you name it! I’ve tried every foundation under the sun and love trying up-and-coming makeup brands to compare them with the big names. Variety is the spice of life and my makeup bag is definitely wide-ranging.

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