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Mindfulness Mondays: 5 Ways To Remove Negativity From Your Life

If you've been following our 10-week mindfulness journey, you'll hopefully be feeling like you have all the tools to be the happiest you can be! But sometimes it’s not you that’s introducing negativity in your life. So, week 10 is all about the question we all want to know the answer to - how to remove negative influences from your life!

Here are a few tips and tricks on how to be ultra-positive and erase the negative...

1 Surround Yourself With Positive People

Surround yourself with positive people who bring you up, rather than drag you down. But first of all, you need to identify who exactly is bringing you down. If someone makes you feel bad about yourself, what you do or how you are, then they are toxic. Distance yourself from them. It can be difficult if they're family but you can try and minimise the time you spend with them.

People inspire you, or they drain you. Pick wisely.

Hans F. Hasen

2 Be Grateful

Are you always complaining about something? Try to appreciate small things. Gratitude helps you to feel more positive, relish good experiences and improve your health!

Being grateful is more than just saying thank you. Being grateful can be understanding and getting to know someone.

The barista serving the coffee at your local coffee house. You see them everyday right (maybe even twice if you’re anything like us?)? Do you know their name, how they are today?

What are they doing this weekend? Taking 5 minutes to know them is a way of being grateful about them.

So start your journey of gratitude…

3 Limit Your Social Media Use

Freeing yourself from social media can improve your mental health. Try disabling your phone notifications so you're not waiting for your phone to ping. Or you can simplify your life and reduce your usage to just a couple of apps or none at all!

But it’s not all bad, connecting with old friends and being in an online community you love can be hugely positive.

We love that pixiwoos reposted our Insta last week!

4 Be Responsible

Take responsibility. If things go well you may tend to take the credit but if things go wrong do you blame somebody else? It takes courage to admit your mistakes.

Dalai Lama

5 No Regrets

It's easier said than done, but life is far too short to be spent worrying about things that are beyond our control, so don’t dwell on negative situations in your head. You can’t change things in the past, but you can learn from them. Only you know what is negatively influencing your life and it’s up to you to free yourself.

I am a bit of a worrier myself sometimes, but I've learnt to stop myself wasting energy on things I can't change.

Enter Our Prize Draw

Would you like to win a 60 minute Skype coaching session worth £90 with Laura's company, The Vibrancy Hub? We're also throwing in a Glossybox Beauty Bundle worth £100! 

Mindfullness wellbeing

What The Session Will Involve

Laura explains: "Our coaching session will focus on helping you to thrive across all aspects of life so you can be the very best version of yourself. We’ll use techniques to understand any blockers that are holding you back and introduce tips and tools to help you overcome these blockers so you can start to build a roadmap to your happiest and most successful life."

How To Enter

All you have to do is:

**Prize draw ends Friday 27th April

Lydia Woodward
Lydia Woodward The Queen Of Curls

I am always searching for future trends - beauty, fashion, hair, you name it! I’ve tried every foundation under the sun and love trying up-and-coming makeup brands to compare them with the big names. Variety is the spice of life and my makeup bag is definitely wide-ranging.

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