Mindfulness Mondays Week 3: Importance of Realising Our Strengths

It's so hard to talk openly and honestly about what we think we are best at or even to know what our strengths are in the first place. A lot of us are self-conscious about tooting our own horn a little too much and coming across as obnoxious.
But why? We should each be incredibly proud of every achievement and strength in our lives and support one another to realise our strengths. But to find such strengths, we must go down a path of self-discovery.
Our wellness coach during Mindfulness Monday's, Laura Bamber states that we are all wired to have a negative bias. Many of us focus on what we could do better or what we are not so good at rather than tuning in to what makes us unique!
Discovering your strengths is fun!
Ask yourselves Glossies...
From finding out these answers it’ll soon create purpose as you’ll begin to understand who you are, what makes you unique, what’s important to you and what you want from life. If you understand this, you'll embrace your new found strengths and set achievable goals. You will find yourself moving through life with ease as opposed to struggling and striving to achieve goals that you have no determination to achieve.
You are on your own journey!
If you’re anything like me, comparing your goals and achievements to someone else’s never helps self-discovery. Social media is filled with teenagers and young adults who seem to have become millionaires overnight. It’s no wonder we’re left feeling like we should be achieving more or earning more. However, we must remember...
“Don’t compare your Chapter 3 to someone’s Chapter 9. Everyone writes their own life’s book at different paces.”
Laura agrees that comparison is the ultimate thief of joy and success, “My absolute number one rule to help you thrive in any area of your life is to stop comparing yourself and to define your very own version of success. Not the success that society, your parents or your friends expect of you but to get crystal clear of what success means to you.”
Don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself!
We also need to remember, nobody is good at everything. Through life we are taught to focus on overcoming our weaknesses and repair our flaws whilst our strengths are neglected. From this point onwards, embrace your flaws, play to your strengths, continue to be the unique human you are and you'll see changes begin to unfold in your life!

I am always searching for future trends - beauty, fashion, hair, you name it! I’ve tried every foundation under the sun and love trying up-and-coming makeup brands to compare them with the big names. Variety is the spice of life and my makeup bag is definitely wide-ranging.