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Five Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipes

It’s no secret that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. First of all, it breaks the fast (that’s where it gets the name) after dinner the night before and secondly, it sets you up for the day ahead by fueling you for whatever may be in store.

It used to be as simple as a bowl of cereal, cooked eggs or toast, but breakfast has had a makeover in recent years and one of the brilliant additions is smoothies. Here’s our pick of the best to start you off in the best way… Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipes

The Metabolism Boosting Smoothie by Jenny Sugar, Popsugar FitnessEverything about this smoothie is designed to not only fill you up with slow-release protein, but also contains ingredients to help the body break down fat. If you sometimes feel as though your digestive system is sluggish and it slows you down, this might be the perfect breakfast.

Raspberry-Beet Smoothie by Reader's DigestThe beetroot content in this smoothie not only makes it vibrantly colourful, it also produces nitric acid, that increases blood flow around the body. If you feel sluggish, tired and not as alert as you’d like first thing, this brain-boosting smoothie could be the answer.

Chamomile Fruit Smoothie by Tieraona Low DogIt happens to us all, especially at certain times of the month, but this tasty smoothie at the start of your day may calm wind, cramps and digestive discomfort. The enzyme-rich fruits and active cultures in the yoghurt soothe the gut - and best of all it’s the simplest chuck-it-all-in and blend kind of smoothie too!

Winter Green Smoothie by Hemsley and HemsleySteamed vegetables might be a surefire way to get your 5-a-day, but at this time of year when you crave mash potato from dawn until dusk it’s not always easy to get that green ‘hit’ in your meals. This smoothie puts pay to all that and delivers a healthy dose of goodness in a no-fuss recipe.

Coffee Chia Smoothie by Madeleine ShawIf your morning doesn’t have a hope of getting off the ground without a Java-jolt then this smoothie is the best of both worlds. It combines a shot of coffee in a mix with chia, almond milk and vanilla for something that’s, dare we say, a whole lot tastier than a flat white...

GLOSSYBOX Writer and expert

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