LANDED! Get ready to crack open the GLOSSYBOX Easter Egg Limited Edition!

Here it is...our highly anticipated GLOSSYBOX Limited Edition Easter Egghas officially landed! Get ready to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of spring with our Egg-straordinary Easter Egg. Uncover the magic of 12 carefully curated beauty treasures with an overall worth value of over £167 each selected to add a touch of glamour to your Easter celebration or as an Easter treat for a loved one.
Handpicked by our expert buyers, Emily and Megan, this makeup marvel is bursting with hero brands like Elemis (worth £49 alone - more than the cost of the whole egg!), Elf, Revolution, Iconic, and more. From sumptuous lotions to dazzling potions, each product is designed to elevate your springtime routine with a luminous touch, including products from all categories - cosmetics, skincare, haircare and body care!
Explore the exquisite details below and don't forget to check out our product card here: Easter Egg Product Card ( Get ready to greet the season with refreshed radiance and an extra spring in your step!
Beauty lovers who aren’t GLOSSYBOX subscribers will have to wait until 12pm on Wednesday 6th March to purchase their Easter Egg Limited Edition. But be quick, it won’t be around for long…
As always, Glossies get a discount when buying our Limited Editions. This means they can buy the GLOSSYBOX Easter Egg Limited Edition for a subscriber-exclusive price of £30! Non-subscribers can get theirs for £40!
Subscribe today to get priority access to your Easter Egg Limited Edition as soon as they’re live as well as exclusive discount! You’ll also be signing up to receive our fabulous monthly boxes, and to get to take advantage of a whole host of other Glossy benefits including Glossy Credit and access to the Glossy Lounge.