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This Serum Infused Eye Mask Is Your Second January Sneak Peek!

To kick start the New Year, our January 'Power Of Beauty' GLOSSYBOXis themed around on the fresh and pure! Bringing you a selection of powerful, yet gently products that your skin is going to adore, this box features four full size and one deluxe sized beauty product, plus one extra treat that’ll help you keep safe in 2021.

We've already revealed the first product you can expect to discover in your January box. And here's the second!

A Mud Mask For Your Eyes... 

Worth £44, this specifically formulated mud mask has been carefully created for the eyes. 

The area of skin under the eyes behaves differently to any other skin elsewhere on your body - and that’s because it's around 20 times thinner! As the skin here is not particularly thick, it can easily sag, wrinkle, darken. And as you get older (and likely get less sleep!) this can increase the chances of these unwanted signs of ageing appearing.

So, this type of special skin requires special treatment. Which is why Mudmasky has created the first-ever Serum-Infused Eye Mask.

The Benefits Of Mudmasky’s Serum Infused Eye Mask 

Enriched with natural antioxidants, this serum-infused eye mask works to improve the look and texture of your delicate under eye area.

When used frequently, for between four and 12 weeks, this eye mask can: 

  • Improving the elasticity of the skin under your eyes 
  • Brighten the skin so eyes look visibly less dark and less sunken 
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines

How To Use This Mudmasky Eye Mask

  1. Cleanse your face and wash your hands.
  2. Apply a thin layer of the Mudmasky Serum Infused Eye Mask to your finger and delicately apply to the area of skin under your eyes.
  3. Leave on for eight minutes, and enjoy the experience of a slight tingling sensation.
  4. Wash off with cold water.

About Mudmasky 

This premium Dutch skincare brand uses fresh, natural and raw ingredients that are carefully processed and blended to create face masks that’ll highly benefit your skin! Mudmasky even boasts patented tubes that keep the ingredients stable without having to include any chemicals in their formulas.


More Sneak Peeks For January

Have you read our first January sneak peek blog? This blog post shares the first product you can expect to find in your ‘Power Of Beauty’ GLOSSYBOX this month.

Our Story Behind The Box post also reveals more about this month’s box theme – as well as giving you an insight into everything that’s happening at Glossy HQ in the first month of 2021! 

Subscribe To GLOSSYBOX

To get your hands on all five beauty finds (plus one extra treat!) in our ‘Power Of Beauty’ GLOSSYBOX this month, subscribe to become a Glossy today! On top of receiving our incredible monthly boxes straight to your door, you’ll also benefit from priority access and exclusive discounts on all of our Limited Edition boxes, and the GLOSSYBOX Skincare range!

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Emily Cotton
Emily Cotton Beauty Editor

I'm someone who loves getting glammed up, but I feel like I never have enough time. Frequently running between work, the gym and seeing friends means my makeup routine is quick and often touched up on the go. Therefore, beauty products that serve as multi-purpose are perfect for me - a blush that works for cheeks and lips is a must in my makeup bag!

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