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All They Need Is The Reload Exfoliating Rub By Lumin

This is a sneak peek from the February 2020 Grooming Kit. For our latest edition of the Grooming Kit, please see this page

Valentine’s Day may be fast approaching, but there’s no need to panic. We’re relaunching our GLOSSYBOX Grooming Kit and it is the perfect gift for your partner! Of course, it makes a great present for any man for any special occasion too. It is filled with seven outstanding products worth over £75. Among them is the Reload Exfoliating Rub by Lumin Skin Co!

All They Need Is An Exfoliation Scrub

Does he have acne scars that make him feel self-conscious? Or struggle with shaving irritation? Or even wish that his skin looked a little brighter and healthier? Well, that’s where an exfoliation rub comes in.

Exfoliation is a vital step of his skincare routine. It helps to:

  • Remove the dead skin cells that make his complexion look dull and grey.
  • Remove the dirt and impurities that clog up his pores and cause break-outs.
  • Prevent shaving irritation (those dead cells won’t be clogging up his razor anymore).
  • Reduce the look of scars by revealing the brighter skin underneath.

How Does The Reload Exfoliating Rub By Lumin Skin Co Work?

Sounds pretty good? That’s because this scrub is formulated with two key ingredients that work together to make his skin look and feel healthier.

  • Charcoal draws out the dirt and impurities from his pores. This helps to prevent breakouts and fight against the signs of premature ageing.
  • Rosemary Leaf Extract, which has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, helps to remove impurities from the surface of his skin.

Essentially, this exfoliating rub cleanses the different layers of his skin and improves its appearance over time.

How To Use This Exfoliation Rub For Men

If he asks you how to use this product, tell him to:

  1. Start with a dry face.
  2. Squeeze a 20pence-size amount of product onto his fingers.
  3. Massage it across his whole face using circular motions for about 30 seconds.
  4. Rinse it off with cool water and pat his face dry.
  5. Follow up with a moisturiser.

He should use this product between two and four times a week.

When Should He Start To See Results?

As I’m sure you know, your complexion has seven layers of skin which recycle every 28 days or so. While he should start to see a difference in the quality of his skin after a couple of weeks, tell him to use it consistently for at least a month if he really wants to improve the look and feel of his complexion.

About Lumin Skin Co.

Based in Los Angeles, Lumin Skin Co is an affordable skincare brand designed for men who want to look their best. They boast an incredible line of grooming products and constantly strive to highlight the importance of a healthy skincare routine for men. Wrinkles? Tired-looking skin? Dark circles? Acne scars? They’ve got a product to treat them all.

You can explore their full range here.

How To Purchase The Box

The GLOSSYBOX Grooming Kit Limited Edition will go on sale Tuesday, 4th of February at 9am for subscribers and at 12pm-lunchtime that same day for non-subscribers. It costs £25 for subscribers and £30 for non-subscribers.

If you aren’t a Glossy yet, you can sign up to our waiting list here. We’ll send you updates about this Limited Edition and all our upcoming Limited Edition boxes.

More Product Reveals To Come

Keep an eye on our blog and our social channels for updates because we’ve got more sneak peeks coming your way all this week!

Of course, if you can’t wait until tomorrow’s reveal, you can check out the first three products here:

Subscribe For Priority Access

To get priority access to The GLOSSYBOX Grooming Kit Limited Edition, enjoy an exclusive subscriber discount and pre-order our February edit, order your first GLOSSYBOX now!

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