Outdoor Party Games For Your Kids’ Birthday Party

As it’s GLOSSYBOX’s birthday this month, I’ve been thinking a lot about planning parties and keeping guests entertained. So, of course, I couldn’t help but reminisce over all the fun birthday parties I had as a kid. If your little one has a birthday coming up, here five great outdoor party games to make the celebrations even more special.
1. Break The Ice With A Sand Treasure Hunt
A sand treasure hunt is a great way to get the party started as you wait for all the guests to arrive.
Setting Up: All you need to do is fill a small sealable tub with sweets and treats, then bury it in a large sandpit.
How To Play: As each child arrives, give them a little flag to plant in the sandpit where they think the treasure is hidden. Whoever is closest wins!
2. Play Under Over

image from https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/431923420510228335/
This is a fabulous game for a hot summer’s day.
Setting Up: Fill two sponges with water, then split the kids into two equal teams. Each team then lines up, with the child at the front holding the wet sponge.
How To Play: On ‘go’, the kids have to pass the wet sponge backwards, alternately, over their heads then between their legs until the sponge reaches the end of the line. The last child then runs to the front, still holding the sponge, and repeats the process. This continues until the original child is back at the front of the line. The whole team should then sit down as quickly as possible. Whichever team sits down first wins!
3. Have A Water Balloon Fight
This one is a classic for a reason!
Setting Up: All you need to do is fill lots of balloons with water ahead of the party, then place them in buckets around the garden.
How To Play: On the word go, the kids can throw their balloons at each other, while trying to avoid getting wet themselves. It was always one of my favourite outdoor party games!
4. Quick, Fill The Bucket!

image from https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/205758276705222301/
This is one of the best outdoor party games for a hot day.
Setting Up: Place two full buckets on one side of the garden, then two empty buckets opposite them on the other side of the garden. Draw a line ¾ of the way up the empty bucket and place a sponge in the full one.
How To Play: You can then split the kids into two teams, with each team standing in line behind one full bucket. On ‘go’, the first child fills the sponge with water, runs to the empty bucket, then squeezes out the water into the empty bucket. The child then runs back to his/her teammates and hands the sponge to the next child who repeats this process.
The game continues until one team has filled their bucket up to the line. The first to do so wins.
5. Other Outdoor Party Games

image from https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/545991154824686462/
Here are a few other outdoor party games that your kids are bound to love. These ones need no explanation.
- Musical statues
- Blind man’s bluff
- Simon says
- Scavenger hunts
- Pass the parcel
- Egg and spoon race
- Sack race
- Three-legged race
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Now that you've got your kids' birthday sorted, it's time to treat yourself too! Our special design Birthday EditionGLOSSYBOX is filled with two dramatic and shimmery makeup products, a beauty tool, indulgent body care and pampering skincare. Don’t miss out!