Protection From Blue Light: The Best Makeup And Skincare

The term ‘blue light’ has become a bit of a buzzword lately, with dermatologists across the UK warning us against the damaging effects it can have on our eyesight, sleeping pattern, memory and complexion. So what is it and which products offer protection from blue light?
What Is Blue Light?
I’m sure you Glossies have already heard about longwave UVA rays and shortwave UVB rays that are emitted by the sun. Well, it turns out that there is a whole spectrum of different wavelengths of light. Blue light is just one of them.
With limited exposure, blue light is actually beneficial. It helps regulate our sleeping cycle. However, because we spend so much time staring at phone and computer screens that emit this blue light too, we’re actually getting over-exposed to it. This is where the damage starts.
What Are Its Effects?
According to REN skincare expert Keiko, spending eight hours in front of your computer screen or looking at your phone is equal to spending 20 minutes in direct sunlight with no protection. You don’t need me to tell you that that’s not good!
Sagging and wrinkles: Blue light penetrates into the deep layers of your skin, damaging the collagen and elastin responsible for keeping your skin firm, plump and smooth. Pigmentation: Blue light also damages your skin cells, causing small and dark patches to appear on your skin. Poor sleep: Beauty sleep? It’s not just an expression! Getting those eight hours gives your skin time to repair itself and over-exposure to blue light is stopping you from sleeping properly.
Bad news Glossies, your phones are making your skin age prematurely!
The Best Products That Offer Protection From Blue Light
You’ll be pleased to know that many beauty brands are stepping up their game and developing products that offer protection from blue light.