The True Cost Of A British Holiday! Survey Results Revealed

A GLOSSYBOX exclusive: we reveal the true cost of the average British holiday!
In our recent GLOSSYBOX survey, we've found that on average British families are spending £6000 on their family holiday, with women spending £400 on clothes and £200 on beauty treatments before even jetting off.
You might think £6000 is shocking, but when you sit back and add up all the extras, it becomes more and more plausible. Ask your friends about their holiday spending habits and pre-holiday beauty regimes and we bet their estimated spend is interesting!
Which regions spend the most?
Our survey found that families in London spend DOUBLE the amount on holidays than those from Liverpool. Interestingly Manchester, the home of GLOSSY HQ, came third in the list of big spenders - what can we say, the Glossy office do love a holiday.
What is contributing to these sky-high costs?
Pre-holiday beauty treatments
We all love a pre-holiday pamper and the list is scarily long. It seems these beauty treatments are contributing to the sky-high holiday cost average!
30% of women won't go on holiday without a manicure
From manicures, waxing, hair colouring, blow dries, eyelash extensions to sun cream and a new darker foundation, we could go on but the list is endless.
Last minute purchases
We all know that airport prices are hyper-inflated, especially if you're buying your makeup and skincare products after check-in, or even on the plane.
20% buy holiday beauty products at the airport or during the flight
But duty-free isn't all it's made out to be and we find ourselves having to buy that product we forgot for 3 times the usual price. So make sure you stock up well in advance.
Pricey sun cream
93% of you would rather spend more money on sun cream than makeup which, as far as your skin and your health is concerned, is the right attitude to have. Buying enough sun cream for two adults and two children can be expensive, especially if you buy it in the airport or abroad. Holiday resort prices for essentials like sun cream and after sun are colossal so it's wise to buy online before you fly.
How organised are you?
You guys are organised! 30% of families started their preparation 6-12 months in advance! Planning those outfits, getting the holiday haircut and colour booked in and ordering the new suitcase for the big week starts from the moment the holiday is booked!
It's all about the nails GLOSSIES!
Bikini waxes are out! 30% of you wouldn't go on holiday without a manicure!
Forget the lashes
It's all about hair bobbles for 40% of you GLOSSIES with only 20% of your packing flashes lashes into your suitcase!
Most popular websites to book a holiday with, voted by you
Our Glossies are savvy and are on the right track when it comes to finding the cheapest deals using Sky Scanner for flights and for accommodation. For more money saving tips, check out our blog on 'Top Holiday Money Saving Tips'.
Top holiday type most desired by families
Unsurprisingly, Glossies love a beach holiday, which is followed by UK breaks - staycation is the new vacation! There are so many amazing places to holiday on UK soil and these choices are often much more straightforward and cost-effective for a family of four - no more trawling the internet for the cheapest and best timed flight, just jump in the car.
These results are shocking. The price you see when your book your family holiday is far from the final holiday spend for families all over the UK. This is something to be mindful of so you don't overstretch your finances. Want more money saving tips for your family holiday? Check out this blog on just that.

I am always searching for future trends - beauty, fashion, hair, you name it! I’ve tried every foundation under the sun and love trying up-and-coming makeup brands to compare them with the big names. Variety is the spice of life and my makeup bag is definitely wide-ranging.