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Mindfulness Monday 8: 5 Ways To Switch Off From Work

So many of us find it difficult to switch off from work, so this week is all about how to do just that. Not being able to switch off is not only detrimental to our health, but it's also counterproductive to our ability to perform at our best.

Our wellness expert Laura spent 15 years working in in high pressure environments so she knows how it feels. She’s back with some top tips for switching off so you can engage more effectively, boost your happiness AND improve your performance!

We are not machines. We need time to recharge and recover if we are to perform at our best.

How To Switch Off After Work

1) End your working day

Create a ritual that signifies the end of your working day - go for a walk, change your clothes or put on some music. This can help you to change your state of mind from alert to relaxed!

 2) Switch off your phone

Have an evening phone ban so you can be present with the ones you love! It doesn’t have to be all night, try turning your phone off after 9pm as this will increase your chances of gaining some quality sleep. If you use your phone as an alarm, buy an alarm clock!

3) Start a hobby

Start a hobby that will distract you - what about that hobby you loved as a child or that skill you always wanted to master? When you find something new and exciting, you are more likely to be totally mindful and focused on the task at hand than to be distracted with worries!

4) Master the perfect morning routine

It's been proven that how we spend the first 90 minutes of each day, has an impact on our mood and mindset for the rest of the day. So focus on the things that will boost your mindset in the morning. Everyone is different and you may love to exercise before work but if (like me) you’re not that person, try something simple: have a healthy breakfast, get some fresh air before the office or make more of an effort to engage with your partner at the breakfast table.

5) Meditation

Try and incorporate some meditation into your daily routine! Building a meditation practice means that you will be more focused when you are in the work place and less distracted by work related thoughts when you are at home. It could be as simple as taking ten deep breaths when you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

Continue the mindfulness journey…

Not switching off is preventing us from forming meaningful relationships and it’s making us more susceptible to burnout. So, give yourself the best chance of success by incorporating some of these tips into your daily routine.

We are all human beings and if we don't give ourselves chance to recover, we will never be able to perform at our best.

Keep a look out for more Mindfulness Monday posts for more top tips. You can enrol for a six-session package with Laura or have a one-off 60-minute session (via Skype or face-to-face). Visit The Vibrancy Hub and their Facebook and Instagram page to find out more.

Lydia Woodward
Lydia Woodward The Queen Of Curls

I am always searching for future trends - beauty, fashion, hair, you name it! I’ve tried every foundation under the sun and love trying up-and-coming makeup brands to compare them with the big names. Variety is the spice of life and my makeup bag is definitely wide-ranging.

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