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Five Healthy Lunch Recipes You Can Take To Work

If you neglect breakfast or struggle to eat well when you’re on-the-go, then lunch is a meal you should take seriously. Add these five healthy lunch recipes to your repertoire and you’ll be counting down the minutes for midday to arrive...

Sesame Chicken Salad with Cucumber Noodles

By Hemsley and Hemsley

Lighten-up your lunchtime eating with this fresh, but oh-so-tasty salad. It’s full of flavour with the heat of a little spice, and is a great way of using up leftover chicken. Also makes a great packed lunch for when you’re eating on-the-go.

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Quinoa Tabbouleh

By BBC Good Food

Filling, flavoursome and fun, this healthy meal satisfies middle-of-the-day hunger pangs without weighing you down and/or bringing on the urge for an afternoon nap. Another great packed lunch option, it’s a wise lunch choice if you're off out in the evening, as the quinoa will soak up any overindulgence!

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Whole-Grain Spaghetti With Garlicky Kale and Tomatoes

By Real Simple

If you’re not a fan of kale then talk to us again after you’ve smothered it in garlic. This low-carb lunch option ticks all the relevant healthy boxes; wholemeal pasta, kale and vegetables, but is so full of flavour you won’t feel short changed.

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Sriracha Lime Chicken Chopped Salad

By Lexi's Clean Kitchen

If your packed lunches are stuck in a rut, then try breathing new life into them with this easy recipe. There’s no faff, nonsense or lengthy preparation time, but it brings a bit of imagination to lunchtime.

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Easy Hummus Spiral Wraps

By Vegan Lunchbox

Vegan or not, this wrap is packed with flavour, crunch and makes a perfect snack or delicious lunch whether you’re enjoying it on-the-go, al-desko or during a quiet lunch break. It’s also easy to change up the ingredients depending on your mood or what you fancy.

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Lydia Woodward
Lydia Woodward The Queen Of Curls

I am always searching for future trends - beauty, fashion, hair, you name it! I’ve tried every foundation under the sun and love trying up-and-coming makeup brands to compare them with the big names. Variety is the spice of life and my makeup bag is definitely wide-ranging.

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