Trouble Sleeping? These Five Apps Will Help You Zzz

We've all been there. It's midnight, we've just finished our third consecutive episode of House of Cards and Netflix pops up that the next episode is starting in 10...9...8... We should turn our phone off and get some sleep but instead we opt for the fourth episode. It was a cliff-hanger after all... Next thing we know our alarm goes off at 7am and we've only had 6 hours sleep.
It's no surprise then, that over two thirds of the population only manage to sleep 7 hours or less a night when you combine Netflix binges, stress and work emails being on our phones. So, we're making it our mission to help you get a better nights sleep.
We've got a rundown of the best apps to help you switch off, get some shut-eye or just to find your inner zen with some mindful thinking. While it might sound counter-intuitive to use apps to help you sleep (research suggests you should turn your phone off an hour prior to bed) these apps really will have you drifting off in no-time. Oh, and if you have an iPhone make sure you make the most of the new feature Night Shift. The blue light from smartphones and tablets significantly interrupts your sleep , but the latest update will emit a warmer light. Sweet dreams!
Sleep Genius
Best for: Helping you drift off to sleep
Why you'll love it: If it's good enough for NASA then it's good enough for us. Sleep Genius really lives up to it's name with the help of specially composed sounds that promise to relax the brain for optimal sleep. Not only will you begin to train yourself to sleep better but the apps 'revive cycle' will help you to wake up more refreshed, so there's no need for an espresso shot!
Spin Me Alarm Clock
Best for: Getting out of bed and staying out
Why you'll love it: If you're a serial snoozer then this is the app for you. Instead of hitting our favourite snooze button time after time, this apps alarm clock can only be turned off by getting out of bed and spinning around twice. And, while you're up you may as well stay up and seize the day. Just make sure your curtains are drawn, or you might get some odd looks from your neighbours.
Sleep Cycle
Best for: Waking up refreshed
Why you'll love it: Sleep Cycle not only monitors your patterns sleep each night, but will wake you up in a thirty minute window each morning during your light sleep cycle. We've tried and tested this app and waking up feels less of a chore and more like we've awoken naturally. It's like a Sunday morning everyday - just without the hangover!
Yoga for Insomnia
Best for: The yogi who wants help sleeping
Why you'll love it: If you're an early morning yogi but have a nightly battle with sleep, it's time to think about an evening yoga session designed to help you drift off. Yoga for Insomnia has a series of poses that promote meditation and tranquility and correct breathing methods. You'll find yourself calm and relaxed, going to bed feeling a little less guilty knowing you've done a mini workout first.
Best for: Getting mindful
Why you'll love it: One of our all-time favourite apps, Headspace encourages you to practice mindfulness through meditation to combat stress, a lack of focus and relationship problems. The step-by-step meditation program will encourage creativity, give you a greater awareness, give you peace of mind and of course help you sleep. You can hardly argue with that, so download it now!