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The Savvy Girl’s Guide To Shopping Green Beauty Products

Thinking of going green when it comes to beauty? Here's everything you need to know.Our Glossies have been telling us that using organic, natural, do-good products is increasingly important to them. However, whether your concern is that a product is ‘natural’ or vegan-friendly, there is still confusion when it comes to deciphering exactly what a brand stands for.The most important thing is that a brand is transparent – that way you know whether it fits with your ideas of a perfect product. The natural brand GreenFrog, for example, contains organic ingredients, is sustainably sourced, free-from palm oils and ingredients such as parabens, as well as being cruelty-free and vegan-friendly.They're transparent about the ingredients they use and where they come from, which is why we chose to include their gorgeously scented Geranium & Peppermint Bodywash in our November GLOSSYBOX – find out how to receive this plus four more products here.For us it all comes down to balance. That’s why it’s important to do your detective work and invest in products that tick the boxes which are most important to you.

Read on for our three easy tips that'll help you navigate the green beauty aisles.

1. Natural doesn’t always mean organic

Like fruit and vegetables, natural ingredients aren’t always organic, but organic products will always be natural.

2. Is organic the most important label?

Not always. One of the key ingredients in many beauty products is water which, technically, cannot be classified as organic, so don’t be put off if a product is not 100% organic. Look carefully at the ingredients and do a little detective work before you invest in a brand.

3. Know your labels

Look out for independent organic certification (from the likes of organisations such as The Soil Association and Ecocert) and information on whether a product is vegan, sustainable and/or palm-oil free (palm oil farming is currently a leading cause of deforestation) if this is important to you. Just because a product is labelled as natural, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s sustainable or ethically sourced.

GLOSSYBOX Writer and expert

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