Clean Your Makeup Brushes Like A Pro

If you can't remember the last time you cleaned your makeup brush then it's been too long. If you could see the microscopic armies of bacteria on each brush (including MRSA and e-coli) you'd be aghast at what you were subjecting your skin to on a daily basis.
Cleaning your makeup brush could result in a clearer complexion and less irritated skin. Luckily inside October's GLOSSYBOX you'll find a genius product that will help you clean your makeup brushes like a pro: the Kawaii Enterprise Brush Cleansing Egg.
If you haven't signed up for a box yet join us here to get your hands on Kawaii innovative Cleansing Egg and four other products - your brushes (and your skin) will thank you.
Wet your brush and add a dash of gentle liquid soap.
Popping two fingers inside the egg, swirl your brush over the small nodules at the top to create a lather.
Remove the lather (along with any germs and product build-up) by running the bristles down the deeper grooves of the egg. Keep your brush pointed downwards so that water does not seep into the head of the brush and dissolve the glue holding the hairs in place.
Rinse the brush and repeat until the water runs clear then realign the brush hairs (running it down the grooves one more time) and leave your brush to dry on a flat surface.