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The Secret To Growing Your Hair Like Rapunzel…

Why is it that with hair, we always want what we haven’t got? If your hair is straight, you want it curly. If it’s naturally curly, you want it straight and if it’s short, you want it long. While curling and straightening can be done in minutes, the pursuit of long hair requires a lot more patience...

You see, the rate at which hair grows is fairly slow - about a quarter to half an inch a month - which can feel frustratingly slow if you’re at that in between styles phase.

If you want to take control of your hair growth, we have a few tips and tricks from the pros on how to grow Rapunzel-esque locks...

Prevent breakage Applying a treatment to the lengths and ends of your hair will improve the strength, in turn minimising split ends and reducing breakage. This is also a good way to replenish your hairs natural proteins. The ends of your hair can be years old and the natural lipids and proteins that are normally present at the root have diminished, so applying an intensive treatment like Garner Ultimate Blends Strength Restorer Balm, £4.49, will work wonders. The blend of honey, propolis and royal jelly leaves hair not only healthier but stronger.

Trim, trim, trim Okay, it may seem ludicrous to go near a pair of scissors if you want your hair to be longer but when hair starts to split, the fraying can work its way up the hair before it causes it to snap off, which will leave your hair shorter overall. Regular trimming will keep split ends at bay and give your hair a better chance at reaching longer lengths.

Brave the chill Have you ever been asked if you want a ‘cold rinse’ at the backwash at the hairdressers? It’s a clever way of sealing the hair shaft after your shampoo so the subsequent styling doesn’t frazzle the ends of your hair.

Be careful how you brush It’s tempting to quickly run a brush through your hair, but sometimes being too rough can cause breakage. If your brush accumulates a massive web of hair in the bristles, that you regularly have to pull out and bin, then find a wide-tooth comb or a brush that’s designed to deal with tangles. They’ll be less likely to pull and break your hair. Long hair will be yours!

Up your vitamins We’ve been taking multivitamins for years to help with overall health and to keep the body’s much needed supply of essential vitamins and minerals at an optimum level and our hair also benefits. Look for supplements designed specifically for hair with high levels of Biotin, Vitamin B and Zinc to give your hair the best chance of growth.

VIP hair towel Don’t use the towels you use on your body on your hair. It doesn’t matter how fluffy they are, all those bouncy fibres actually ‘rough-up’ hair that can cause damage or leave hair exposed to heat damage. A microfibre towel is much kinder to hair and absorbs excess water quickly and will cut down your drying time.


GLOSSYBOX Writer and expert

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