Upscale Your GLOSSYBOX: A Mini Garden

With the Chelsea Flower Show fast approaching, we decided to focus this month's upscale on all things floral - and ergo, created a pretty portable garden using our May Glossy Getaways box.
Here's how...
1. Take a floral foam brick and using a sharp knife, carefully cut the foam into the shape of your GLOSSYBOX. Make sure you cut the top of the foam so that the whole block fits neatly inside the base of your box.
2. Cut the stems off your flowers so they're just taller than the height of your GLOSSYBOX (too tall and you'll see the foam!). Arrange the flowers by pushing the stems firmly into the foam. Continue this until the box is filled with flowers. We recommend a mix of leaves and flowers to make it as pretty as possible!
3. Fill up a jug of water and pour carefully over the foam until fully soaked to keep the flowers hydrated. Place on a windowsill and enjoy!

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