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Beauty Lessons We Learned From Our Mothers…

Mum's know best. It's a known fact - whatever the issue, they will (usually) know exactly what to do to solve it. While on occasion we may have been reluctant to listen, in time we most definitely came to realise that 9 times out of 10 they were correct.

And over the years, we've found this couldn't be more the case than with our beauty routines. When that first blemish popped up as a teen, she was there ready to help you banish it. When the inevitable over-plucking of your eyebrows occurred, there she was ready with a brow pencil, prepped to fill in your mistake.

There's no better time to say a big thank you as Mother's day approaches (if you're stuck for a gift idea, our Spoil Me Silly box will go down a treat). Here are the beauty lessons the GLOSSYBOX team learned from their mums...

To use two different concealers'Always be gentle when removing eye make up so as not to stretch the delicate skin under the eyes and give yourself eye bags.... Press on and wipe sideways, never downwards! Oh, and ideally you should have 2 different concealers. One matte full coverage one to use on blemishes, and one light-reflecting one for under the eyes.' - Anna, Senior Brand Sales Manager

Relax and unwind My mum taught me that the only way you can get a bit of time to yourself away from family life for an hour or two is by taking a long soak in a hot, oil-laced bath. I've just moved house.... and the bathroom is the first thing I'm getting re-done! - Evie, Editorial Director

Pay attention to ingredients  'Our skin absorbs 60% of what we put on it so it's important to make sure we're putting the very best on our bodies. My Mum taught me to be wise to a product's ingredients and ensure I always know what's going into my body. Glossybox always lists the ingredients and cherry picks the best in beauty to cater to all my beauty needs' - Lucy Hodnett, PR Manager

SPF is key 'The one thing my mum always insisted on (and today I thank her for it) is sunscreen. Coming from a hot country, she always taught us the importance of protecting your skin. How wise my mother is!' - Ri-Jean, Senior Brand Sales Manager

Aromatherapy'Next to my mum's bed is an apothecary of creams, oils and serums which are integral to her skincare ritual. One of my earliest memories of my mum is of her massaging scented creams of rose and lavender onto her face and neck each morning and night without fail. It was a lesson passed on to her from her own mother and is the one beauty mantra she ensured I follow. Her skin is flawless and youthful so I'm keeping my fingers crossed it pays off in the long run. Only twenty years to find out...' - Coryn, Brand Campaign Manager

Perfect your routine 'Mum taught me the importance of taking good care of our skin - that's what keeps us young. Never use regular soap, and always cleanse, tone then moisturise (in that order), use as spf and remember to bring your moisturiser down to your chest.' - Gillian, Office Manager

Stay hydrated 'To this day, my mum stands by the fact that drinking plenty of water is the key necessity when it comes to healthy, glowing skin. She has a strict beauty routine of cleansing, toning and moisturising and always has, but since I can remember water is the thing she repeatedly drills into me.' - Alice, Beauty Editor

Don't forget about your body'She always tells me to spend and extra 5 minutes working a good body lotion into your skin after a shower - and at 62, she has the best skin! I have only just started really taking notice, I hope it's not too late!' - Heather, Marketing Manager

Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise 'The biggest beauty lesson that I learnt from my mum was to moisturise. She always uses the 'Olay Total Effects 7in1 Anti-Ageing Moisturiser' in the mornings. It has SPF15 in it too, which is super important for protecting your skin and I usually forget. In the evenings she uses 'Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti-Ageing Firming Moisturiser Night Cream' - it helps restore the skin overnight for a firmer, smoother complexion. I guess it's never too early to try to reverse the signs of ageing, even at 23!' - Emma, Social Assistant

GLOSSYBOX Writer and expert

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